Wildshape Bridal Bouquet


Don't forget these...

Are you opting out of a large wedding for something small, intimate, and different? Say no more. We are here to flower you because every special moment deserves the best blooms! 
We will hand select the freshest, in-season blooms for your bouquet inspired by the color palette and style of your choosing. Elopement bouquets can not always be custom but requests can be made. 
Every elopement bouquet is custom and we will never duplicate the exact same bouquet.
Wildshape is for those looking for the unconventional.
She's loud, unique in shape, and completely unapologetic for standing out.
Wildshape comes in a bright color pallet of reds, oranges, pinks, tans, dark purples, and deep greens.

Choose between:

  • One Bouquet
  • One bridal bouquet and one boutonnière
  • Two boutonnières
  • Two bouquets 


*Size shown is large*

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